Poster contest winner of 2013

On Friday 11 January at 20 hours was held at the local social of the Federació de Colles de Sant Medir the awards ceremony of the 13th poster contest of Sant Medir 2013. This year 53 works were submitted, but only one could win.

The jury was formed by Juanjo Isern -President of the Foundation of the Club Esportiu Europa, Jordi-Joan Alsina -President of the Federation of the Tres Tombs of San Antonio in Barcelona, Marta Saleta and David Carbó- Projecte Llepolia, Carlos Pablos -President of Centre Moral e Instructiu de Gràcia, Enric Perpiñà and Josep Maria Redondo -Romeos of Sant Medir.

The winning work was, under the pseudonym “Caramel Pixelat“, Jordi Làzaro Almuni.

